King Pine Update

March 4, 2020

UPDATE 3/6/20: The adjustment made to the sheave assembly addressed the issue as intended, and the lift has passed inspection to run. King Pine is now open and will resume its regular operating schedule.


The King Pine lift remains closed while lift technicians work to address an issue with a sheave assembly, but we are optimistic that it will be back in operation for the coming weekend.

To address the issue, which is affecting the uphill sheave assembly on the portal depress tower, our lift team first worked with engineers from Doppelmayr to determine if there were any irregularities with the drive and tensioning systems. When it was concluded that everything in the drive terminal was operating correctly, our team focused on the sheave assembly itself. (The King Pine lift terminal was designed by Doppelmayr, but the rest of the lift, including towers, sheave assemblies, and carriers, were designed by the lift's original manufacturer Borvig.)

With the approval of lift engineers and relevant lift inspectors, our lift technicians will be making an adjustment to the sheave assembly that will address the issue. As noted in our previous update, the issue in question affects the travel of the chairs and the haul rope through the uphill sheave assembly on the portal depress tower under very specific conditions. The fix our team is putting in place will prevent this from happening, regardless of load or environmental conditions.

If all goes according to plan, this fix will be put in place tomorrow and the lift will be ready to operate on Saturday. 

We will keep you updated with any changes right here. 

Questions? Comments? Let us know.