Hey kiddos. Sorry I've been a bit MIA lately; the pattern has just been so...changeable, I didn't know what to write about.

Around my birthday (March 20th in case you want to buy me a suit that fits), it looked as though we were going to roll into spring without any more significant snow.

That turned out not to be true, and now, in April, winter has decided to throw us a few lil' snow events in with bluebird days. It's been pretty solid:

(The main purpose of this video is to see how many people comment on a technique deficiency I have and that this was taken at SR. Go ahead; be that guy. )

This weekend looks tres solid and it starts with a little refresh tonight:

It's not gonna be a ton, just a little disturbance swinging through overnight. The timing is good though so I can see 1-3" of snow at the Loaf by the end of it.

It's not gonna be a ton, just a little disturbance swinging through overnight. The timing is good though so I can see 1-3" of snow at the Loaf by the end of it.Sunday won't be sunny, but there WILL be some snow.

A weak warm front approaches on Sunday morning, so the first part of this system moves in late morning most likely as just some light snow.

Sunday will be dry from start to finish and partly cloudy. So it's just as nice as Saturday, you just won't get the light new snow like Saturday morning.

Either way, you can't go wrong honestly.

And, don't bury winter yet. There's something cooking for Monday....

Carson Out.