Biggest Dump of the Winter?

February 25, 2020

Granted our standards for "biggest" of the season aren't especially high this season (12" in a single storm my sources tell me); but still this looks like the most promising of the year.

But before we get to the details I'd like to say a few words about loyalty.

I take my job as Official Sugarloaf weather blogger very seriously and I certainly don't blog for other mountains. Which is why I was APPALED to see this today:

Is this about Lopresti? What does he have that I don't other than looks, professionalism, above average height, and makeup contouring skills?

Me when I see the employee that posted that:

On to the storm.

This one is complicated for pretty much everyone except the mountains. There will be a crazy gradient between almost no snow and 12" and a lot of wind along the coast.

But for The Loaf it's just a matter of how much total moisture we get out of this thing. That's about it. The ratios and the temperatures look good.

The setup is a double barreled low with an inland area and a coastal area.

This is a good setup for The Loaf because it doesn't put the heaviest moisture too far to the east but it also doesn't pull all the warm air aloft in from the inland low.

The snow begins on Thursday morning.

And REALLY ramps up during the afternoon.

Before winding down slowly overnight.

Surface temperatures should remain in the mid 20s to upper 20s so the consistent of the snow will be solid.

Totals? Pretty beefy:

Real talk: It's going to be pretty windy on Thursday so keep an eye on lift status.

After that the weather is quiet straight through the weekend. Perfect timing.

Carson Out.