This is no big secret, but timing is everything for a successful ski season.

Sure, it's great if you have a flexible job and can shoot up to the Loaf on a snowy Tuesday in January. But for most of us, the ski season is only as good as the vacation weeks and weekends.

By that measure, 2018-19 season just went up a notch:

Today is cold, yeah but it looks like there will be a total of 3 snow events during the week-long vacation.

Next up is Wednesday night into Thursday:

This storm, like most of the storms this season will technically be an "inside runner" coming from the Southwest. But the Loaf will have no real mixing concerns in this setup since any sleet that ends up getting mixed in will happen SO late in the storm that all the moisture will be gone anyhow.

It'll start probably around midnight on Wednesday (if a forecast in Maine is missed after midnight, and no Mainers are up to see it, does it really happen?) and last through a good part of the day on Thursday.

After a fresh 5-6" wrapping up on Thursday night I expect a beautiful Friday for skiing.

Sugarloaf makes its own temperatures it seems, so what the models are throwing out as 32 F will likely be 28 F but still...with the sun it'll be nice.

Saturday looks beautiful as well.

Next storm?


Carson out