Determine Your Skier Classification

Determining your skier type is your responsibility when renting ski and snowboard equipment.

Your skier type, height, weight, age, and boot sole length are used by the rental or demo shop technician to determine the release and retention settings for your bindings. Consult the descriptions below to select your classification. Be sure to provide accurate information, as errors may increase your risk of injury.

Type I: Cautious skiing on smooth slopes of gentle to moderate pitch
Skiers who designate themselves as Type I receive lower than average release/retention settings. This corresponds to an increased risk of inadvertent binding release in order to promote a release in case of a fall. This type also applies to entry-level skiers uncertain of their classification.

Type II: Skiers not classified as Type I or III
Skiers who designate themselves as Type II receive average release/retention settings appropriate for most recreational skiing. 

Type III: Fast skiing on slopes of moderate or steep pitch
Skiers who designate themselves as Type III receive higher than average release/retention settings. This corresponds to decreased release-ability in a fall in order to gain a decreased risk of inadvertent binding release. This classification is not recommended for skiers under 45lbs. 


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