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runners on course

Sugarloaf Marathon & 15K

May 11

Sugarloaf Marathon & 15K Overview

The Sugarloaf Marathon is an official qualifier for the Boston Marathon. We are certified by the United States Track and Field Association (USATF) as an official sanctioned event. Over the years the Sugarloaf Marathon has become extremely popular among running enthusiasts from around the world. With a strict limit of 1,500 participants, this race will sell out. In 2018, 30.1% of finishers qualified for the Boston Marathon making Sugarloaf the fastest course in Maine and one of the top in the nation.

Located in the mountains of Western Maine, the Sugarloaf Marathon follows scenic route 27 as it winds through the Bigelow Mountain range and follows the Carrabassett River. The course starts in the town of Eustis, travels through Carrabassett Valley and finishes in the town of Kingfield. The first 5 miles of the race are relatively flat, miles 5-10 consist of rolling hills with a steady two-mile climb at mile 8. The last 16 miles has a gradual decent with an elevation loss of 980 feet. Marathon runners continue to record personal-best times while racing Sugarloaf.

Registration is open

Registration & Bib Pickup

Registration is open until April 1st unless the race if it fills up sooner. Be sure to register online early to secure your spot at the best price.

There will be no day of registration and no refunds.

Register Here

Marathon registration starts at $105. Prices will increase after the first 50 runners sign up.

Marathon PricingNumber of Racers
$105First 50 to Register
$115Next 100 Registrants
$120After 150 Registrants
$125After 500 Registrants
$135After 700 Registrants

Registration is non-refundable

15K registration starts at $80. Prices will increase after the first 100 runners sign up.

15K PricingNumber of Racers
$80First 100 to Register
$85Next 200 Registrants
$90After 300 Registrants
$95After 500 Registrants
$100After 700 Registrants

Registration is non-refundable

Bib & registration packet pickup will take place in the Maple Room of the Sugarloaf Base Lodge on Saturday, May 10, 2025 from 3pm-7pm.

Bib Pick up Address on May 10th:

Maple Room of the Sugarloaf Base Lodge
5012 Access Road
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947

Unclaimed bibs on May 11th:
Any unclaimed bibs will be brought to the race start locations Sunday morning. These are for registered racers only, we will not be handing out unclaimed bibs to unregistered racers wishing to run the race. Runners who miss bib pick up can get their race shirt at the finish line; we will not be mailing shirts. Race shirts are for runners who actually run the 2025 race, not deferred runners.

  • Marathon morning of bib pickup: 6:00am-6:30am
  • 15K morning of bib pickup: 6:15am-7am

Please note: runners WILL NOT be able to switch races the morning of, this must be done in advance before April 1, 2025, or at bib pickup located in the Sugarloaf base lodge on Saturday, May 10, 2025.

Shuttles & Parking

Shuttles to the Marathon & 15K starts are provided free of charge to racers only. Multiple buses will be provided at each specified location and time below. This transportation is from the Sugarloaf Mountain Base Area to the race start locations, and from the finish line back to the Base Area.

Baggage Shuttles/Warming Buses
There will be baggage shuttles and warming buses at both the Marathon & 15K start locations. All bags being transported via baggage shuttle must have the colored bracelet attached to the outside. Bracelets will be provided at bib pick up. Bags will be transported to the finish line and organized by bracelet color. Please note runners must provide their own bag and we are not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Marathon Start Address:

Cathedral Pines Campground
945 Arnold Trail
Eustis, ME 04936

Please Note: There is absolutely no parking at the Marathon start. Racers are encouraged to take the shuttles provided or coordinate their own drop-off.

Shuttles To Marathon Start:

Departure Location Departure Time Destination Location Arrival Time Marathon Finish 5:30am Marathon Start 6:00am Sugarloaf Mountain Hotel 5:45am Marathon Start 6:00am Sugarloaf Inn 5:45am Marathon Start 6:00am Sugarloaf Parking Lots C & D 5:45am Marathon Start 6:00am 

Departure LocationDeparture TimeDestination LocatonArrival Time
Marathon Finish In Kingfield5:30amMarathon Start6am
Sugarloaf Mountain Hotel5:45amMarathon Start6am
Sugarloaf Inn5:45amMarathon Start6am
Sugarloaf Parking Lots C & D5:45amMarathon Start 6am

15K Start Address:

Ayotte’s Country Store
1215 Carrabassett Drive
Carrabassett Valley, ME 04947

Departure LocationDeparture TimeDestination Arrival Time
Marathon & 15K Finish 6am15K Start6:15am
Sugarloaf Mountain Hotel6am15K Start6:15am
Sugarloaf Inn 6am15K Start6:15am
Sugarloaf Parking Lots C & D6am15K Start6:15am

Departure Location Departure Time Destination Location Arrival Time Marathon Finish 6:00 am 15K Start 6:15 am Sugarloaf Mountain Hotel 6:00 am 15K Start 6:15 am Sugarloaf Inn 6:00am 15K Start 6:15 am Sugarloaf Parking Lots C & D 6:00 am 15K Start 6:15 am 

15K Start Parking
There will be designated free parking available at Sugarloaf for shuttle pick up. There is limited parking available at the Carrabassett Valley Airport which is located just north of the 15K start on the right. Walkers should especially coordinate their own drop-off as there is no designated shuttles for walkers.

Finish Line Parking
Paid parking available adjacent to the finish area; entrance first right south of the West Kingfield Rd. $5 FEE benefits the Doing Good in the Hood Fund which provides support services to Kingfield residents in need, including heating fuel, grocery assistance, money donations to the local food pantry, transportation to medical treatments and more. Paid parking will also be available at Country Mutt for $5.

There is no parking permitted along Route 27 In Kingfield nor at local businesses such as Mainely Provisions, Sillanpaa's Trading Post, or Kingfield Woodsman. Vehicles left at these locations may be ticketed or towed at the owner's expense

Transportation from Finish
A shuttle will begin return trips from the finish line in Kingfield around 9am and will run as necessary or when full until the event concludes. Return to either the 15K start (Ayotte's) or the Sugarloaf Mountain Hotel.

Course Info

See Course Map

The marathon course follows Route 27 from the town of Eustis to Kingfield; the 15K race starts in Carrabassett Valley. The road is open to vehicle traffic during the race so all runners must stay in the southbound (right-hand) lane while running.

Aid Stations with water and Gatorade (mixed 1/2 strength) and first aid supplies will be available at all 17 water stops. The course has been recently been homologated and the exact mileage of each aid station will be listed soon.

In the interest of safety, wheelchairs, baby joggers, bicycles, dogs, and car escorts are not permitted.

Please see the course map for the elevation profile.

Support Vehicles Are Prohibited
For the safety of our runners, please notify friends and family members that support vehicles are not allowed during the race. Route 27 will remain open during the race; support vehicles add to the road congestion and create additional safety concerns for our racers.

Designated Viewing Areas with Off-road Parking:

  • Village Of Stratton-7 miles north of the Sugarloaf Access Road
  • Bottom of Access Road
  • 15K Start- Ayottes Country Store
  • Tufulio's Restaurant
  • Route 27 Rest Area- 3 miles south of Ayotte's Country Store
  • Finish Area-Downtown Kingfield

Finish Line Provisions (Racer only)
There will be food, and beverages, and First Aid provided at the finish line food tent for racers only. Food tent is available and open to racers only, non-racers are encouraged to visit nearby restaurants and food truck located in Jordan Lumber's parking lot near the finish line.

Timing & Awards

Split timing and finish results will be available online through All Sports Event Timing

Every Marathon & 15K racer that crosses the finish line will receive a commemorative finisher medal.

Please note: Marathon and 15K, cutoff time is 6 hours and 30 minutes.

Awards will take place in the finish area as soon as each age category is filled. Custom awards will be presented to the top 3 finishers in each age category as well as the top 3 overall finishers for each race.

Award Categories

  • 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall

Age Group Awards (Male & Female divisions)

0-29 | 30-34 | 35-39 | 40-44 | 46-49 | 50-54 | 55-59 | 60-64 | 65-69 | 70-74 | 75+

Overall Cash Prizes
Top male and female Marathon & 15K athletes will be removed from their age divisions

First Place $500$300
Second Place$300$100
Third Place$200$50

Pasta Dinner

Enjoy a fabulous dinner buffet featuring a variety of pasta (gluten-free option available) as well as a selection of delicious vegetarian and meat sauces. The buffet also includes a unique selection of salads, garlic bread, and an assortment of delectable desserts.

All are welcome to join the Pasta Party from 5:00-7:00 PM, Saturday, May 10-th on the 2nd floor of the Sugarloaf Base Lodge. You may add this ticketed meal during the online registration process, or you can come back to add it at a later time. A limited number of tickets are available for purchase at the door; first come first serve. The pasta party and welcome dinner buffet is open to all racers, friends, and family.

  • Adults: $37.70 (includes tax & gratuity)
  • Children (Ages 3-12 years): $24.70 (includes tax & gratuity)
  • 2 & Under Free

Additional Dining Options

The area has many different lodging and dining options available. Due to the time of year, dining hours and offerings may be limited. Please plan ahead, most area restaurants stop serving by 9:00pm and do not open up in time for breakfast on race day. Local grocery stores close around 7:00pm.

Thank you to our 2024 Sponsors

2024 Marathon Sponsors

100% of sponsor proceeds from the Sugarloaf Marathon & 15K are donated directly to the Sugarloaf Region Charitable Trust. The trust is a private, nonprofit trust dedicated to improving the quality of life in the communities that made up the Sugarloaf area. The trust provides financial assistance to organizations with nonprofit, tax-exempt status. Therefore, all sponsor donations raised are invested directly back into the region to support local school groups, sports teams and community organizations.

Learn more about the Sugarloaf Region Charitable Trust here.

Interested in becoming a 2025 sponsor? Email Trent Labbe

© Boyne Resorts 2025